Thursday, May 19, 2011


You always hear misery loves company, and I have to wonder why. Shouldn't you want those that you care about and surround yourself with to be happy, even when you aren't? The more popular social networking becomes, the more clear it is that there is always someone that will revel in your pain, that is just the ugly truth in it all.
However there is also always someone there that will pick you up, hold your hand and try to get you through the pain.Somtimes for me the person that does that is the last person I expected. Today it was my boys Tyler and Thomas. We took a little trip to Walmart just to pick up a handful of things, and get out of the house. They ended up turning my foul mood into pure giddy. It was just one of those days that you wake up and things are icky, and my two little boys without even trying made it perfect. We ended up spending the better part of three hours going back and forth giggling and looking at things. Something about the way they talked to each other, and asked me questions was so sweet. They are 10 1/2 months apart, Thomas is 4 Tyler 5, Tyler also has Autism, and the slight delay makes them even more like twins, then they already seem at just 10 months apart. If you take the time to just notice the simple things in your life,sometimes the pain just goes away.
I know it sounds silly to say focusing on the good makes life good, but it really does.Everyone has a bad day,week or even year, and trust me I have gone through some very trying times, but you cant live life focusing on those things. You have to take every good thing that happens to you and hold on tight to it! Even if it is something as simple as your kids enjoying the time you spend together, or your husband getting up to bring you some water just because you dont want get up. It doesnt have to be something big, just something good!
I like to think there is some balance in life, eventually, and for all the hell you have to pay there is equal if not more rewards! That my friend is the pretty poop of it all.

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